78 Doors tarot deck is a very unusual Tarot, although in many ways repeating the classics. With these cards will be easy even for a beginner, thanks to clear, crisp and vivid plot images.
Are you ready to dive into a world of real and metaphysical doors?
History of the 78 Doors tarot deck
Many magic card masters call this deck one of the most interesting among those that have appeared in the last decade. Initially appearing in Italy, the 78 Doors tarot cards very quickly conquered other countries.
The author was famous Pietro Alliego, who had previously introduced the world to one of the most popular decks – the Tarot of Dwarfs, as well as other cards. The illustrations were created by Antonella Platano. The name of the artist you probably know, because her other creations are also hearing – this Tarot Wheel of the Year, Tarot Goddesses Union and Tarot Witches.
The main theme of the deck chosen for a reason. Any door at the associative level is considered the entrance to a new world, a new life. It symbolizes the process of changing and becoming something new. If we turn to history, we recall that in ancient times the entrances to various sacred or important places were guarded by special guards – statues depicting lions, dragons, sphinxes, angels and other mythical creatures or animals. And how many traditions there are related to passing through the door threshold! All this deep symbolism makes the meaning of the 78 doors tarot cards multifaceted, ambiguous, and therefore – very interesting.
Key features of the 78 Doors tarot deck
For those who studied the Waite deck, even a cursory glance at the illustrations will make it clear that the interpretation of Tarot 78 Doors is very close to English traditions.
The only difference is in the numbering: Power is the eleventh Arcana, Justice is the eighth. The suits are standard: Wands, Swords, Bowls, Pentacles. The cards of the court are traditional: Knave, Knight, Queen, King. The Major Arcanes are numbered in Roman numerals, the Minor in regular numerals.
The symbolism of the 78 Doors tarot cards
The main idea that can be traced in the Arcanes of the 78 Doors is, of course, the physical or metaphorical doors through which the hero of each card must pass. Doors can be open and closed, visible immediately or hidden in detail. The illustrations also show the keys to these doors in a direct or encrypted form – they either lie in a prominent place or are well hidden, forcing the characters to find other ways to pass through the doorway.
At the same time, the key can be not only a physical object, but any other thing or phenomenon – this is what makes us consider not only the plot, but also the hidden meaning of the Arcana. The idea is very new, interesting, unlike the work of other authors of decks. Thanks to the author’s unique idea, the interpretation of the 78 Doors tarot cards is like an interesting game of association. Tarot not only need to pay attention to the plot itself, but also to find these doors, as well as to find the entrances and exits – with or without the key.
So, as you have already understood, a door is always an entrance or an exit, which symbolizes the transition from one state to another, some kind of change. When the door is open – the change happens easily and most often in a positive direction. If the door is closed – then one must either look for the key, or other workarounds. More often, closed doors symbolize some difficult situations, obstacles that must be overcome to make a qualitative transition.
A key is an object that allows you to open and close, and therefore it is with its help that you can gain access to something or, conversely, hide something from eyes. In essence, a key is a magical tool that removes the boundaries between the secret and the obvious.
In the 78 Doors tarot deck, the keys can be both the most common and those that need to try to find, because they do not always look like a well-known object.
78 Doors Tarot deck – full gallery
Major Arcana

Minor Arcana
Suit of Pentacles

Suit of Wands

Suit of Swords

Suit of Cups