Clover – Lenormand card meaning

clover lenormand card meaning

The astrological correspondence of Clover or the Six of Diamonds is the sign of the Zodiac Taurus, as well as the planet Venus. The element of the card is Earth, ruled by Clover, the feminine principle of Yin.

Key words of the Six of Tambourine: news, optimism, surprise, hope, luck, joy, short duration.

It is believed that in the layouts Clover obeys other cards, but at the same time it has the ability to weaken the influence of the negative participants in the layout. For example, if the Clouds or the Coffin symbolize insurmountable obstacles, then the appearance of Clover means that there will be difficulties, but fate will give the querent the opportunity to cope with them.

Symbolism of the Clover card

The card depicts a clover flower, but depending on the deck, the drawings may differ. Sometimes it is a quatrefoil against the backdrop of fragrant meadows, sometimes it is a bunch of stems in a basket, and sometimes the authors depict a flower forced to huddle among stones on poor, barren soil. All these details affect the nuances of interpretation, because, obviously, a blooming, full of strength Clover is not the same as a plant plucked or dying in bad conditions.

However, in general, the value of the Clover Lenormand card has a positive connotation. No wonder the main color of the illustration is green. It is the color of money, health and happiness, in a word, prosperity. By the way, the green color (and pink along with it!) Is also associated with the “heavenly patroness” of the card – Venus.

Even the druids (the Celtic caste of priests, judges and poets) endowed clover with the magical properties of a talisman that brings good luck. In addition, the humble plant was used in various rituals as a talisman against evil forces.

Knowing nothing about the beliefs of the Gauls and the Irish, clover was revered in the east. The inhabitants of India embroidered the shamrock on their clothes, and the Egyptians depicted it on mirrors. And in Christian culture there is a legend that it was clover that Eve managed to take with her when the original couple was expelled from Paradise.

General characteristics of the Clover card

Clover Lenormand: the meaning of the Shamrock in the Lenormand system symbolizes a good combination of circumstances, success, or at least a firm hope for a favorable business issue. Just do not forget that clover is a modest herbaceous plant with weak roots, this is a weak Tree of the fifth card. Therefore, this image cannot portend stunning victories.

There will be luck, but not too great and, moreover, short-lived, so do not miss your chance, strike while the iron is hot. In general, the card symbolizes prosperity and a bright streak, but here we are talking about simple, calm joys rather than brilliant achievements or great happiness.

If we turn to the negative side of the card, Clover can warn of disappointment, missed opportunities, or the collapse of plans that seemed absolutely reliable. However, the transience of the Six of Tambourines is also manifested in this unpleasant aspect: the black streak will not be long, and the mistakes made will be fatal.

Clover card – relationships and love

If you are, as they say, “in active search”, the meaning of Clover Lenormand promises you new acquaintances. Moreover, it is possible that among your environment there is already a person who treats you with sincere sympathy. However, this card does not guarantee that the relationship will develop in the right direction and lead to a wedding. Clover only indicates the presence of interest, attraction, pleasant emotions. Everything else depends solely on you and your fan. However, if an Anchor, a House, or a Tree falls nearby, we have much more reason to expect that a light novel will develop into something significant.

Sometimes the card marks a frivolous attitude to love and close relationships – casual kisses, short-term outbursts of passion, relationships with several partners at once, none of which, by and large, has much meaning.

When the querent asks a question about the future of a quarreling couple, the card says that there is definitely hope for reconciliation.

If we analyze marital (or informal, but long-term) relationships, Clover indicates a simple, unsophisticated, but quite prosperous relationship. The couple does not stand out for anything special, but they have their own little happiness, sometimes inaccessible to “bright individuals”.

Lenormand Clover – business, work, finance

When considering financial issues, Clover promises small but pleasant bonuses: an unexpected bonus, another step towards promotion, improved working conditions, vacation at a convenient time.

In some layouts for finance or work, the card symbolizes a chance that you still need to be able to use. For example, you may be temporarily appointed as acting boss of a retired boss, but this does not guarantee a promotion to a higher position. The increase depends on the results you show.

Another meaning of the card is easy work, such as freelancing or part-time work. Sometimes – a part-time job that successfully turned up the opportunity to replenish the budget.

The Six of Diamonds favors areas of activity related to agriculture or horticulture, as well as the service sector.

Advice of the card

Clover recommends not to hesitate and catch a good moment, and then conscientiously work to fulfill your plan. If you are already working on the implementation of a project, the card recommends not to succumb to disappointment. Even if you are tired and no longer believe in success, put in a little more effort – they will definitely pay off.


Symbol warning: sometimes Fortune gives us pleasant gifts, but do not place all your hopes solely on a lucky break. Lucky circumstances are nothing if we don’t make the effort to wisely manage the right conditions. However, remember that fate usually acts through the people around you. Be grateful to your loved ones who support you.

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