How to determine the time of an event using Tarot cards: theory and practice

black tarot

We often ask questions about the future. However, all fairly experienced fortune tellers know that such questions do not always determine the specific time of events. When predicting the future, it is recommended to set a certain period of time, for example, one month, three months, or six months. In some cases, you can inquire about something over a longer period – three or five years. But for such fortune-telling, a person must be extremely experienced.

The future is changeable, but major and significant events must happen one way or another. Even if it takes more time, fate must still do its thing.

If you want to find out the exact time of an event, there are many methods that show the date or period of time.

The meaning of Tarot cards in determining time

Numerological method

Meaning of the Minor Arcana

Temporal meanings are based on the principle of the elements.

Wands – element of fire – fastest time – days

Cups – element of water – already slower – weeks

Swords – element of air – average period – two weeks

Pentacles – earth element – ​​slowest – month

In this case, the interpretations will be as follows:

Ace of Wands – one day

Two of Wands – two days

Three of Wands – three days

Four of Wands – four days

Five of Wands – five days

Six of Wands – six days

Seven of Wands – seven days

Eight of Wands – eight days

Nine of Wands – nine days

Ten of Wands – ten days

Page of Wands – eleven days

Knight of Wands – twelve days

Queen of Wands – thirteen days

King of Wands – fourteen days

This method will allow you to calculate the timing of an event almost exactly. The main task lies in the correct formulation of the question and the methods of fortune telling. You can select only the Minor Arcana of the Tarot and ask the question, “After how long will the dreamed event happen?” The answer can be found even with the help of one card.

Another, more detailed method is to tell fortunes using several cards. So, when asking a question, we draw three cards at random and then add up the resulting values.

For example, if you drew the following cards: Three of Wands, Two of Swords, and King of Cups. This means that the event will occur in 3 and a half months (King of Cups = 12 weeks), one month (Two of Swords = two weeks twice), and three days (Three of Wands). The result will be 4 and a half months and three days.

The meaning of the Major Arcana

Many Tarot readers also add the Major Arcana to this method. However, only by testing and working with the layouts will you be able to understand which method is right for you.

With the numerological method, the Major Arcana use only their numbers. The speed of the event also depends on the element of the card.

Fire Element – ​​Emperor, Strength, Wheel of Fortune, Tower – DAYS

Water Element – ​​High Priestess, Hanged Man, Death, Moon – WEEKS

Element of Air – Jester, Magician, Chariot, Justice, Star, Peace – a period of TWO WEEKS

Earth Element – ​​Empress, Priest, Lovers, Hermit, Devil – MONTH

Using this method, you can calculate the timing in a similar way to the Minor Arcana. How many cards to choose for fortune telling is up to you, but it is best to stick to 1-2 cards.

For example, if you draw the Priestess and the Magician cards, the period will be equal to one month (the Magician is the number 1, representing one period of two weeks, and the Priestess is the number 2, representing two weeks).

This is a fairly simple method, but many tarot readers consider it not accurate enough, as the numerical values do not reveal the essence of the card.

Astrological method

Meaning of the Minor Arcana

Everything is much simpler here, because each Tarot card has its own astrological correspondence. You just need to save this table of values ​​and refer to it if necessary.

Suit of Wands

Ace of Wands – Pisces. From March 1 to March 10 (Tiger)
Two of Wands – Aries. From March 21 to March 31. (Rabbit)
Three of Wands – Aries. From April 1 to April 10. (Rabbit)
Four of Wands – Aries. From April 11 to April 20. (Rabbit)
Five of Wands – Leo. From July 23 to August 2. (Sheep)
Six of Wands – Leo. From August 3 to August 13. (Sheep)
Seven of Wands – Leo. From 14 to 22 August. (Sheep)
Eight of Wands – Sagittarius. From November 23 to December 1. (Boar)
Nine of Wands – Sagittarius. From 2 to 11 December. (Boar)
Ten of Wands – Sagittarius. From 12 to 21 December. (Boar)

Suit of Cups

Ace of Cups – Gemini. June 1-June 10 (Snake)
Two of Cups – Cancer. From June 21 to July 2. (Horse)
Three of Cups – Cancer. From July 3 to July 12. (Horse)
Four of Cups – Cancer. From July 13 to July 22. (Horse)
Five of Cups – Scorpio. From October 24 to November 1. (Dog)
Six of Cups – Scorpio. From 2 to 11 November. (Dog)
Seven of Cups – Scorpio. From 12 to 22 November. (Dog)
Eight of Cups – Pisces. From February 19 to March 1. (Tiger)
Nine of Cups – Pisces. From 2 to 11 March. (Tiger)
Ten of Cups – Pisces. From 12 to 20 March. (Tiger)

Suit of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles – Sagittarius, December 2 – December 10 (Pig)
Two of Pentacles – Capricorn. From December 22 to 31. (Rat)
Three of Pentacles – Capricorn. From January 1 to January 10. (Rat)
Four of Pentacles – Capricorn. From January 11 to January 19. (Rat)
Five of Pentacles – Taurus. From April 20 to April 30. (The Dragon)
Six of Pentacles – Taurus. From May 1 to May 11. (The Dragon)
Seven of Pentacles – Taurus. From 12 to 20 May. (The Dragon)
Eight of Pentacles – Virgo. From August 23 to September 2. (Monkey)
Nine of Pentacles – Virgo. From 3 to 13 September. (Monkey)
Ten of Pentacles – Virgo. From September 14 to 22. (Monkey)

Suit of Swords

Ace of Swords – (middle), September 1 – September 10 (monkey)
Two of Swords – Libra. From September 23 to October 3. (Rooster)
Three of Swords – Libra. From 4 to 13 October. (Rooster)
Four of Swords – Libra. From 14 to 23 October. (Rooster)
Five of Swords – Aquarius. From January 20 to January 31. (Bull)
Six of Swords – Aquarius. From 1 to 9 February. (Bull)
Seven of Swords – Aquarius. From 10 to 18 February. (Bull)
Eight of Swords – Gemini. From May 21 to May 31. (Snake)
Nine of Swords – Gemini. From 1 to 11 June. (Snake)
Ten of Swords – Gemini. From 12 to 20 June. (Snake)

The meaning of the Major Arcana

Not all tarot readers, even important personalities such as Rider-Waite himself or Papus, were able to find a specific astrological correspondence for Tarot cards. Therefore, this technique is not always recommended for use. It is built on the system of planetary rulers of the zodiac signs. According to this system, the cards are divided into elements.

Each card corresponds to a specific planet, and each planet rules a specific zodiac sign.

Fool – Uranus – Aquarius
Magician – Mercury – Gemini
High Priestess – Moon – Cancer
Empress – Venus – Taurus
Emperor – Jupiter – Sagittarius
Priest – Venus – Taurus
Lovers – Mercury – Virgo
Chariot – Mercury – Gemini
Strength – Sun – Leo
Hermit – Mercury – Virgo
Wheel of Fortune – Jupiter – Sagittarius
Justice – Venus – Libra
Hanged Man – Neptune – Pisces
Death – Pluto – Scorpio
Temperance – Jupiter – Sagittarius
Devil – Saturn – Capricorn
Tower – Mars – Aries
Star – Uranus – Aquarius
Moon – Neptune – Pisces
Sun – Sun – Leo
World – Jupiter – Aquarius

How to find out the time of event using the Major Arcana of the Tarot

The meaning of the Major Arcana Tarot in determining time

Magician – today, very soon, in the near future. The first day of a month or some period.

The High Priestess is the time of the waxing moon, the transition from the new moon to the full moon. We must wait, there will be a good time and then everything will happen.

Empress – one season, one season. Not always calendar, for example, if in local latitudes winter lasts 7-8 months, then the period will be approximately the same. And vice versa. The situation must mature, it must be “endured and given birth.”

Emperor – spring, one season, one season. Slowly but surely.

High Priest – duration equal to one zodiac sign (approximately 1 month).

Lovers – the period of the waxing moon. Before the Full Moon arrives.

Chariot – one week, the situation will move faster, you can influence it.

Justice – October, mid-autumn. Everything will be as it should be. During.

Hermit – early autumn, September. End of the month, end of the day. The time when the result will no longer be needed.

Wheel of Fortune – 10 days, one month, the border of the zodiac signs. Everything will change dramatically, the situation must turn around.

Strength – end of July and first half of August, period of two months. It takes effort.

Hanged Man – term of three months, one calendar year, 30th day of the month. One of the slowest acting cards, the situation is not ripe.

Death – winter, December and January. It can be either the fastest or the shortest period.

Temperance is the period of changing seasons, the time from full moon to new moon. Have patience.

Devil – six months, night time. When no one sees.

Tower – spring, March, New Year’s period, eclipse.

Star is the beginning of the season. The time when something new begins.

Moon – one lunar month, new moon or full moon. Supermoon, red moon, eclipse. Any bright events associated with the Moon. Then, when clarity comes.

Sun – spring, summer, dawn. Christmas. Maslenitsa. Any significant astrological event associated with the Sun. Then, when everything is fine.

Judgment – two years. The situation is waiting to be decided.

World – four years, the longest time, constantly. It’ll be this way forever. Vagueness in time.

Fool – three years, time of eclipse, first half of the day.

Correspondence of the Major Arcana and seasons

Spring – Magician, Hierophant, Lovers, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, Judgment, Jester

Summer – Emperor, Chariot, Strength, Devil, Sun

Autumn – Priestess, Justice, Hermit, Tower, Star, Peace

Winter – Empress, Death, Moon

Correspondence of the Major Arcana and months

January – Magician, Death

February – Priestess, Temperance

March – Empress, Devil

April – Emperor, Tower

May – Priest, Star

June – Lovers, Moon

July – Chariot, Sun

August – Justice, Judgement

September – Hermit, World

October – Wheels of Fortune, Fool

November – Strength

December – Hanged Man

Correspondence of the Major Arcana Tarot to the days of the week

Monday – Priestess, Hermit, Tower

Tuesday – Empress, Wheel, Star

Wednesday – Emperor, Strength, Moon

Thursday – Priest, Hanged Man, Sun

Friday – Lovers, Death, Judgment

Saturday – Chariot, Temperance, World

Sunday – Magician, Justice, Devil

Practice and examples: fortune telling to determine the time

Fortune telling using the Figure cards of the Minor Arcana

For such fortune telling, only the Minor Arcana will be required. Of these, you need to choose only figure cards – Pages, Knights, Queens, Kings.

Then you just need to pull out one card at random. It is important to use only straight positions. The answer will be the nearest time period, which will be indicated by the drawn card.

Card meanings:

King of Wands – spring (from March 20 to June 22),

King of Cups – summer (from June 22 to September 23),

King of Swords – autumn (from September 23 to December 23),

King of Pentacles – winter (from December 23 to March 20),

Queen of Wands – from March 20 to April 20,

Queen of Cups – from June 22 to July 22,

Queen of Swords – from September 23 to October 23,

Queen of Pentacles – from December 23 to January 20,

Knight of Wands – from July 22 to August 23,

Knight of Cups – from October 23 to November 23,

Knight of Swords – from January 20 to February 20,

Knight of Pentacles – from April 20 to May 21,

Page of Wands – from November 22 to December 23,

Page of Cups – from February 20 to March 20,

Page of Swords – from May 21 to June 22,

Page of Pentacles – from August 23 to September 23.

Fortune telling “Will the event happen and when?”

This alignment will allow you to find out whether the event is destined to happen within a specified period of time. To do this, you need to determine the period of time you will be considering.

For example, if you have the question, “When will I get my debt back?” and you expect the debt to be repaid in the coming months, it makes sense to choose a period of, say, six months.

Next, you need to draw six cards, each of which will represent a specific month. If you are reading fortunes in January, then the next six cards will indicate January, February, March, April, May, and June. That is, you will have one card for each month.


1 – January – Devil

2 – February – 3 of swords

3 – March – Ace of Cups

4 – April – Magician

5 – May – 3 wands

6 – June – 7 cups

This fortune telling uses all the cards in the deck, and you can also use inverted cards. However, in this case, the interpretation can be confusing.

In the above example, the likely month for the event to occur will be April; however, the stage for the result will be set in March. From the cards drawn, you can understand that the querent himself will influence the outcome of the event. That is, in this case, the return will take place over a long time at the request of the querent, but without pressure, amicably.

Also, in a similar way, you can find out in which year the event will occur.

Another example, fortune telling “When will the man get married?”

Let’s look at the next three years.

1 – first year (current year or next) – Hermit

2 – second year – 4 wands

3 – third year – Wheel of Fortune

This result most likely indicates that the marriage will not take place. In the second year, a promising acquaintance is possible, but its result is not entirely obvious. This is most likely friendship with a young lady, finding a significant friend with whom it will be fun and comfortable.

Also, do not forget that you can pull out additional cards to clarify the details. Tarot is an art and only you can master it yourself.

Fortune telling “Will the event happen soon?”

As you have already noticed, the wording itself is important in matters of time. Asking the right question will lead you to the right answer.

How to interpret the answers?

As mentioned above, the Minor Arcana of the Tarot obey their elements. Wands or Fire are the fastest terms, Cups or Water are a little slower, Swords or Air are even slower, and Pentacles or Earth are the slowest.

You can interpret the Major Arcana in any way convenient for you, using the elements, or the meanings of the cards themselves.

For example, there is a question “Will my friend arrive soon?”

In fortune-telling, a card fell out – The Hanged Man. This means that he will not arrive soon. Or maybe he won’t come at all. The Hanged Man is a card of a maturing situation. You need to wait, wait for the moment. If everything goes right, then you yourself will understand whether it will happen or not.

Another example is the question “Will I marry him soon?” Here it is worth clarifying that there is already a permanent relationship, but for some reason the partner is in no hurry to marry. In this case, it is best to first ask, “When will mypartner propose to me?” or “How soon will our engagement happen?”

So, on any of these issues the Judgement card came up. As we already know, this is quite a long time. And something has to happen. There has to be some kind of resolution. Perhaps something is holding the person back; he has not yet resolved his difficulties on the way to completing a new task. At this stage, we see that the situation could happen even now; there is both a desire and an opportunity for it. However, the absence of some important decision prevents you from making a new one.

Or, if the answer to the question is the Sun card, this will mean that a marriage proposal will occur in the near future, there is a possibility that it will coincide with some holiday. For example, on your own birthday, on the summer solstice, on Christmas party, etc.

How to determine the timing or pace of events in a normal scenario

For example, you make a layout for a question, but there is no position in it that answers the time of execution of the event. In this case, experienced tarot readers can look at the approximate date.

The presence of a large number of Minor Arcana – Wands, Cups, Swords (except for figured ones) indicates that the event can occur quite quickly. Or, the current issue will be resolved soon.

Any sevens in the layout are 7 days

Nines are one lunar month (about 28 days)

The predominance of a certain element can also tell you how quickly the plan will take place.

Earth or Pentacles are a static element; your matter may never be resolved, or will take a very long time. Pay attention to which Major Arcana are present in the layout. Regardless of the meanings of the cards, surrounded by Pentacles, you will be able to understand where the obstacle lies.

If there are many cards of the Fire suit in the layout, then you will get results in the fastest possible time, also if there are cards such as the Magician, Chariot, Wheel of Fortune, Sun, this will mean that there are practically no obstacles, or the situation is so tense that everything can happen right now.

If you have a lot of cards in the suit of Cups or the element of Water in your layout, then you have time to think. The situation will be resolved quite smoothly. However, it will require emotional involvement. It may also indicate that someone’s feelings or emotions are an obstacle.

The suit of Air in many sources is considered faster than Water. However, Air can be both fast (Gemini), and static (Aquarius), or completely inert (Libra). Therefore, it should still be classified in the slower category. Sometimes, with the suit of Air, a situation may not move for some time, but then be resolved with great force and speed.

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