July 2024 horoscope: monthly forecast for everyone

horoscope for july 2024

The month begins with the retrograde of Saturn and Neptune in the sign of Pisces, the confident progress of Jupiter in Gemini, and the tense aspect between the Sun and the Lunar nodes.

Therefore, we can say that the beginning of the month will not be easy! It will bring us back to various situations and problems, making us face what we have been hiding from for a long time. Everything hidden and secret will reveal itself and disturb us.

Retrograde Saturn 2024

Saturn’s retrograde motion will last until November 15th. During this time, it will go through a number of configurations with other planets. A particularly busy period will come in September, when Virgo season is in full swing.

In general, the period of retrograde Saturn in Pisces will be difficult for everyone who could not emerge from the shadows. Saturn will either force you to shine or plunge you into more darkness. The outcome of events will depend only on your abilities.

Saturn retrograde is a long-term affair. We have already gone through a similar period from June 18 to November 4, 2023. Try to recall what happened to you during this period.

Retrograde Neptune 2024

Neptune will not leave the sign of Pisces. It almost exited its domicile sign but was stopped by the retrograde movement. Until December 8, we will go through this stage, which will allow us to fully experience what is necessary.

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces is about secrets, behind-the-scenes games, investigations, and dark affairs. Therefore, in the coming months, it is important to understand how susceptible you are to everything unmanifested.

On a large scale, secrets may be discovered and truths may be revealed. However, it is highly likely that they will be hidden again, and we may never know the true cause of the incidents.

Additionally, Neptune always involves some kind of dangerous related with water. Be careful at sea and when traveling on water. During this period, one can expect unstable weather conditions, an abundance of precipitation or, conversely, its absence, and fluctuations in the levels of rivers, seas, and oceans.

New Moon in Cancer – July 6

A new moon always brings new energy! This time, the theme of the renewal will focus on everything related to family, home, housing, and real estate.

This new moon occurs in conjunction with Venus and forms favorable aspects to several planets. Accordingly, the new moon and the new lunar month are suitable for:

  • Buying, renting, selling, repairing, or building a home; any manipulations with your property
  • Housework, apartment improvements, purchasing decor and household items
  • Family events, visiting parents, returning to your homeland, meeting with relatives
  • Marriage and wedding celebrations, wedding anniversary celebrations
  • Emigration and relocation planning
  • Home purchase planning
  • Working with ancestry, practices to resolve ancestral karma
  • Resolving family conflicts, reaching agreements with relatives

And if none of these topics are relevant to you yet, then use this new moon to make a new wish regarding family and home. Dream about the place where you would like to live in the future, the house you want to build, and the wonderful family relationships that await you.

July 12 – 20: Conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus

The exact conjunction will occur on July 15, but as we know, the aspect’s influence will be felt both before and after this date.

We observed the conjunction of Mars and Uranus on August 2, 2022. At that time, the aspect was much more intense due to karmic nodes. Try to remember what was relevant to you then.

This time, the conjunction is more favorable, but Mars and Uranus are considered “male factors” that excite the entire horoscope. Special attention should be paid by all Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Leo signs, as this period may be difficult for you.

Uranus brings sudden changes, and in combination with Mars, anything can happen in a matter of seconds!

  • The risk of injury increases; it is easy to trip, fall, or get hurt.
  • It is a dangerous time for all drivers and pedestrians. Be careful on the road, while traveling, and in any transport, including air.
  • It is better to postpone any experiments with technology, electronics, and machines.
  • Avoid gatherings of large numbers of people, as many will become more aggressive during this time.
  • Don’t rush, avoid fuss, and try to remain calm and steady.
  • When leaving home, check that all equipment is turned off.
  • Don’t take risks or try extreme sports.
  • Do not eat unfamiliar foods or try exotic dishes.

What are the advantages of the conjunction of Mars and Uranus? There are positive sides too! During this time, a brilliant idea may come to you, unprecedented creativity may awaken, and progressive, even crazy thoughts may occur.

  • Someone might be able to literally see the future and determine their goals for many years to come.

At a global level, significant and dramatic changes will occur, affecting people from different countries. Natural conditions can also surprise you – expect stormy thunderstorms with lightning, high solar activity, abnormal heat, and even drought. There may also be increased volcanic activity.

Full Moon on July 21st on the Cancer-Capricorn Axis

The Full Moon will occur in the last degree of Capricorn, placing us in a borderline state once again.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis represents the internal and external, the social world and the inner circle. This is a time when we can step outside of our comfort zones. If your life is pushing you to do so, there is no need to resist.

The Full Moon will raise topics of personal responsibility, family problems, and the balance between home and work, career and family.

Full Moon Aspects: Moon-Pluto Conjunction, Configuration with Neptune and Mars

The higher planets indicate a difficult situation that may last until the end of the month. Sharp issues related to big business, corporations, and government apparatuses will be raised.

At this time, it is important to be mindful of your finances—how you invest and manage your money. The period of the Full Moon and the days following it is a time to reassess your financial capabilities and build a new strategy for the future.

During the Full Moon, new public leaders may emerge, moods may shift, and political views may change. In general, the period from the Full Moon to the end of July can be more stressful than its beginning.

Leo season begins on July 22, marking a new cardinal year for everyone born under this sign, as well as those at the Cancer-Leo juncture.

The fixed axis of the horoscope indicates that it is time to bring some issues to a close, to finish what was started, and to complete unfinished business. The entire Leo season will help you refine aspects of your life that you have long abandoned or lost sight of.

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