Oracle Symbolon – full gallery, cards names and description

Oracle symbolon cards

Oracle Simbolon is an independent tool for analytical work and divination, these are not Tarot cards, and they are related only by the number of cards in the deck – 78.

Symbolon consists of 12 main cards, each of which corresponds to the Sign of the Zodiac and its Planet, and 66 additional, each of which describes a combination of two main Signs and Planets. Symbolon is a very easy-to-use oracle, in which astrological, psychological and mythological archetypes are enclosed in visual illustrations.

And you don’t have to be an astrologist to work with him, although it was astrology that originally underlay Simbolon.

02 The mediator Symbolon Cards

The Mediator

03 The Mother Symbolon cards

The Mother

04 The Ego Symbolon cards

The Ego

05 The Servant Symbolon cards

The Regulator

06 the Partner Symbolon cards

The Partner

07 The Seducer Symbolon Cards

The Seducer

08 The preacher Symbolon cards

The Preacher

09 The Master Symbolon cards

The Master

10 The Jester symbolon cards

The Jester

11 The Anger symbolon cards

The Angel

12 misunderstanding symbolon card

The Defiance

13 Two faces of Eve symbolon card

The Two Faces of Eve

14 atriculation symbolon card


15 Incompatibility symbolon cards

The Incompatibility

16 The caring symbolon cards

The Caring

17 The family Symbolon cards

The Family

18 The abortion symbolon cards

The Abortion

19 Mnemosyne symboon cards


20 the Ice Queen symbolon cards

The Ice Queen

21 Deliverance symbolon cards


22 The Sleeping beauty symbolon card

The Sleeping Beauty

23 The Battle symbolon cards

The Battle

24 the Queen symbolon cards

The Queen

25 The actor symbolon card

The Actor

26 The ailing King symbolon cards

The Ailing King

27 The Wedding symbolon cards

The Wedding

28 The Magician symbolon cards

The Magician

29 Fortuna symbolon cards


30 The Burden symbolon cards

The Burden

31 The Fall symbolon cards

The Fall

32 Retreat symbolon cards


33 The Eros symbolon cards

The Eros

34 The stocks symbolon cards

The Stocks

35 the guilt symbolon cards

The Guilt

36 Disagreement symbolon card


37 The Vampire symbolon card

The Vampire

38 the Crusader symbolon card

The Crusader

39 The Prevention symbolon cards

The Prevention

40 The Spiteful Troublemaker symbolon card

The Spiteful Troublemaker

41 The Absolute Fool symbolon card

The Absolute Fool

42 The Golder Girl symbolon card

The Golden Girl

43 Clinging symbolon card


44 The Gilded cage symbolon card

The Guilded Cage

45 The MArionette symbolon card

The Marionette

46 Matter and Spirit symbolon card

Matter and Spirit

47 Responsability for creation symbolon card

Responsibility for Creation

48 The Farewell symbolon card

The Farewell

49 The garden of spirits symbolon card

The Garden of Spirits

50 The Strategist symbolon cards

The Strategist

51 The Vanity fair symbolon card

The Vanity Fair

52 The Pied Piper symbolon card

The Pied Piper

53 master and Disciple symbolon card

Master and Disciple

54 Afflection symbolon card


55 dreaming Johny symbolon card

Dreaming Johnny

56 Silence symbolon card

The Silence

57 Everyday life in the relationship symbolon card

Everyday Life in the Relationship

58 Castigation symbolon card


59 The Inquisition symbolon card

The Inquisition

60 the Fear symbolon card

The Fear

61 The Furies symbolon card

The Furies

62 deception symbolon card


63 Disaster symbolon card


64 the Symbolom card

The Symbolon

65 sadness symbolon card


66 Separation symbolon card

The Separation

67 the two king's children symbolon card

The Two King’s Children

68 The black mass symbolon card

The Black Mass

69 The depression symbolon cards

The depression

70 Phoenix symbolon cards

The Phoenix

71 The False Halo symbolon card

The False Halo

72 the Confession symbolon card

The Confession

73 The quantum leap symbolon card

The Quantum Leap

74 The Pythia symbolon card

The Pythia

75 Captivity symbolon card


76 The Moira symbolon cards

The Moira

77 the Grail Question symbolon cards

Tha Grail Question

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )