Rider or Horseman – Lenormand card meaning

rider lenormand cards meaning

The creators of the various versions of this deck represent the Rider in different ways, so you can see images that are completely different from each other. But traditionally it is a person (most often a man) riding a horse. It does not rush very fast, but it does not lag behind either. It is assumed that this is a messenger who is traveling with some important message. He usually does not have any bag, and this is quite understandable. In the time of Marie Lenormand, news was often passed on by word of mouth, especially if the information was confidential. More meaningful messages were reported in the letter.

Many Masters pay attention to which way the rider is moving. According to the established tradition, it is believed that if he goes from left to right, then this is news of future events, and if vice versa, news about what has already happened. But such subtlety is relevant for those who, when divining, use the inverted positions of the cards. More often, the correct meaning of the Horseman Lenormand consists of its combination with neighboring positions. This card corresponds to the Nine of Hearts, which symbolizes good news, great luck, self-confidence, and strong love.


Let’s think about what we associate the image of the Horseman with. As a rule, this is a person on horseback who rides alone, and not in a company. Historically, the Riders have served as the modern postman or courier, and have been referred to as heralds or messengers. They could race tirelessly day and night to deliver an urgent message on time. Based on this, it becomes clear that the First card speaks of news that is already on the way.

At the same time, there is another meaning for a man on a horse. Such a figure symbolizes the victory of the intellect over the forces of nature. That is, the man managed to tame the animal, saddle it, and moreover, make it move in the direction the rider needed. Therefore, the Horseman will also mean the advantage of reason over passions and instincts.

General characteristics and meaning of the Lenormand card Rider

The first card of the deck invariably testifies to important and significant news for the questioner. What it will be, sad or joyful, should be looked at by neighboring or additional cards. If there are no negative signs in the immediate neighborhood, then the news is, by definition, good. In addition, such a symbol can mean movement, dynamics and development of the situation on which fortune-telling is performed. That is, it is by no means a stagnation or a pause, what is happening is filled with some events, actions, conversations.

Of course, in order to correctly read this card, you need to focus on what surrounds it, as well as on the question of the querent. For example, if a person is guessing at the love sphere of life, and he gets a bunch of Horseman-Ring Lenormand, then this means that the querent can begin to prepare for the wedding – most likely, he is about to receive an offer to seal the relationship by marriage. But the combination Horseman-Heart Lenormand will show an invitation to a date, news about a loved one, or news from him personally.

Lenormand Rider – Love and relationships

So, what can such a card mean in love divination? As we wrote above, the correspondence for the Horseman Lenormand is 9 of Hearts, which often shows strong love. Nevertheless, interpreting this symbol in this way is only permissible if there are no negative positions nearby. In other words, for a lonely person, the card portends pleasant meetings or conversations, flirting, communication with someone very nice to him. Or a love note or a letter.

Lenormand Rider – Business, work, finance

If a card falls out as a characteristic of an already established union, then it, as a rule, indicates relationships that, one way or another, develop, do not stand still. There is always some kind of dialogue between partners, they share their thoughts and feelings with each other. But what kind of emotional coloring is their communication, only neighbor cards can tell. After all, conversations can be not only pleasant, but quite the opposite.

This card usually indicates activities related to the transfer of information. It can also be business negotiations, meetings, phone calls. Or a process in which flows of the most diverse information are constantly hovering – for example, the publication of the press or the advertising business. That is, a kind of dynamic phenomenon, where everything can change at any second.

For the financial sector, the Horseman prophesies the movement of the questioner’s money – perhaps they mean some promising deposits, currency exchange, playing on the stock exchange, or even not entirely honest fraud. In a word, money savings are not stored under the mattress, but work for themselves.

The first position of the Small Lenormand deck can mean many different professions. For example, a postman, courier or post office worker. Secretary, writer, teacher, journalist, telephone operator, call center employee, merchandiser, sales assistant, even rider, groom, riding instructor.

Rider – advise of the card

Such a symbol recommends acting quickly, if possible immediately. Now events are happening at an accelerated pace, so you should try to adapt to this rhythm. The card also advises you to keep your eyes open and listen carefully to the information that comes to you – there is a high probability of hearing something important.

Rider’s Warning

If we consider this position as a warning, then, on the contrary, it warns against hasty action. This does not mean that you need to stay in place, just that you should slow down a little.

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