Ship – Lenormand card meaning

ship lenormand card meaning

It so happened that in most variants of the Small deck, the Ship is depicted as sailing on the waves. That is, it is the movement in the boundless space that is depicted. The coast on this map is indicated extremely rarely. Perhaps this is how the well-known allegory is conveyed that a person is like a ship in the raging sea. However, sometimes at this position you can observe a frank storm instead of a calm water surface. And in some decks, the Ship generally sails in the sky, so it all depends on the author’s imagination.

The corresponding for the Lenormand Ship is 10 Spades. Unfortunately, it cannot be said that this is a favorable card. Most fortunetellers interpret it in a negative way. Most often, it is interpreted as trouble, frustrated plans, unforeseen circumstances. From a philosophical point of view, one can even see a certain connection in this, because the Ship plows the open spaces of the sea, which do not at all guarantee that everything will be fine. On the contrary, it is an unpredictable and rather dangerous element.


At the very beginning of the article, we talked about the Ship as a multi-valued symbol, and this is true. The most common interpretation is a cradle, safety, security. In addition, the Ship is sometimes called the lunar symbol, and is also associated with the female ability to bear children. At the same time, this image is also associated with sea romance, pirates, adventures. But there is still such a thing as the journey of the soul to another world, which is carried out precisely on the water. Let’s not forget about Noah’s ark, on which people and animals were saved from the flood.

So, the Ship is very ambiguous, therefore, before starting work with the Lenormand deck, it is recommended that you first think about personal associations, and only then find out the generally accepted meanings. By the way, an interesting detail is that white sails are most often drawn on this map, and this color indicates a happy and joyful journey. Although for many, the white sail is associated with the famous lines of M. Yu. Lermontov, and, therefore, with a lonely and independent person. But occasionally on such a map you can see scarlet sails, which is considered a symbol of faith in your dream, as well as hope for the best.

The general meaning of the Lenormand card – Ship

Given such a large number of options for interpreting the Ship, it is not always clear to novice fortunetellers how to read this card correctly. In order to understand this issue, let’s look at the most likely interpretations that have developed based on the experience of most of the Masters. So, firstly, this symbol often indicates an upcoming trip or a trip somewhere. It can also refer to any vehicle, such as a car or an airplane.

At the same time, quite often the map indicates a large distance separating people. For example, we can talk about foreign partners or relatives. When divining on a situation, the Ship sometimes shows the process of spiritual searches, or a thirst for change in some area. Only one thing can be advised here – rely on your intuition, as well as on the value of neighboring cards. And we, in order to make it easier for you, will describe interpretation options for various areas of life.

Lenormand Ship – relationships and love

For love, the meaning of the Ship is not so complicated. In total, there are three most common interpretations. The first is a road or holiday romance that happened far from home and turned into love at a distance. The second is a move or departure of one of the partners. That is, people either decide to live together, or part, moving to different territories.

And the third is an unstable emotional life in a couple, when people quarrel and make up ten times a day. This interpretation is based on association with the unpredictable sea element. Of course, there are other interpretations, and each Master has his own. Sooner or later, everyone develops their own vision of a particular card. But you will not be mistaken if you read the Ship precisely as some kind of movement between partners – arrival, departure, meeting, joint trip, quarrels or reconciliation.

The value of the Ship in the Lenormand cards invariably speaks of movement, and the sphere of work and finance is no exception. The card either indicates activities related to logistics and transportation, or means constant business trips and business trips. The Ship can also show an agreement or contract with foreigners, or shift work when a person leaves for another region for a long period. In any case, in the professional sphere, some kind of movement comes to the fore. However, we can even talk about climbing the career ladder.

Lenormand Ship – Business, work, finance

Finances also do not lie idle, but are involved in some kind of monetary transactions, they are constantly being spent, then appearing. That is, there is no need to talk about stability. But at the same time, the querent is clearly not in poverty, because along with the costs, unexpected bonuses also happen. In general, the Ship characterizes the material sphere as a series of happy accidents and gifts of fate.

What professions does this card indicate? It’s not that hard to guess. Firstly, this is tourism, and everything connected with it. Secondly, this is the fleet, and we can talk about both service in the fleet and the production of ships on an industrial scale. The ship often speaks of the professions of stewardesses, sailors, drivers, and everyone who has anything to do with transport.


Usually such a romantic symbol advises not to be afraid of change, no matter what they concern. In other words, the Ship testifies that now any changes that have happened to you will only be for the good. The card also recommends opening up to everything new and taking a step forward.


While risk taking is considered a noble cause, it should not be impulsive or purely based on emotion. It is always necessary to calculate in advance the possible scenarios of events that follow your action. Otherwise, you can get into some trouble.

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