Tarot cards basic spreads: problem, situation and solution

tarot spreads

When we face difficult situatuion we all want to find a better solution. Tarot cards is the powerful tool which can help us to make a good choice. Making desicion is not easy for anyone, even for those of us who is confident and patient. That’s why choosing right tarot spread is important, and this is the reason why realizing your problem is the only one right way to find solution.

There 8 simple and short tarot spread will help you to find a way. They are suitable for many different situations. Use the following list of spreads to find what is the best for you.

Simple tarot 3 cards spread “Who I Am”


This simple tarot spread will help you to find answers on questions about yourself. In such cases when you don’t know what to do and where to move, you may ask Tarot “Who I am? What do I need to do? How can I avieve my aim?”

Ask tarot cards and ask youself, but be honest and don’t avoid sincere conversation.

Simple tarot 3 cards spread “Mystery of 3 cards”


This 3 cards tarot spread is the best for understanding the root of the situation. You will realize what was the real reason and where all this leads you.

For the future position you may receive advice of the cards and think, how can you change you present to make better future?

Simple tarot spread “4 cards”


4 cards tarot spread was made for those who want to understand more about themselves. Tarot cards will tell you about you weak zone, you will see which side of your life helping you and where you have to work harder.

If one of those positions is weak or there is a negative card, you may pick up one more “helper”, one more card to give you advice. Like this you would know more and find a right direction.

Tarot 4 cards spread “My aim”


“My Aim” is a simple 4 cards tarot spread which is useful when you want to know how to achieve you aims. The cards will show you the best way, same as they will show what is you mistakes.

Concentrate on positive sides of the spread and use your strenght to fight your weaknesses.

Tarot 6 cards spread “Unknown”


When life wants to give us the lesson, it face us difficult situation. Any problem we had made us stronger and made us more flexible.

In some cases we need to avoid problems but when it’s something important, we can’t run away from it. So ask your tarot cards about your problems and realize if it is the right way to keep fighting.

Tarot 7 cards spread “Oracle”


This tarot cards spread is more difficult but it give us more imformation.

The tarot cards will show you the real problem. Sometimes when we don’t want to solve the situation and just waiting for the end, we becoming a “victim”. We don’t want to work for our own best future. Ths lazyness and fear will not takes us to a better life.

“Oracle” will show you what you afraid of and give you advice.

Tarot 7 cards spread “The Horseshoe”


This horseshoe scheme will show you real situation and give you recomendations. Your tarot cards will help you to learn more about difficulties, surprises and influences.

Ask cards correctly. Anyway, always remember, that if you don’t like any position, you may change it.

Tarot 9 cards spread “Magic 9”


This spread “Magic 9” is more advanced, It is recommended in those cases when you already femiliar with all cards meanings and cards combinations.

The cards near each other are even more important than one card by it own. In this spread you should read cards all together.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )