The LOVER – the meaning of the Symbolon card

The Lover symboloc card meaning

The Lover is the second card in the Symbolon deck, it is another pure archetype that represents the zodiac sign Taurus. This is a calm and confident lady who symbolizes the fullness of life, self-confidence, stability and comfort.

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Zodiac sign: Taurus

Planet: Venus

Characteristics: Yin, rationality, stability, earth, money, property, consumption.


  • have meaning, value, value oneself and something
  • accumulation, possession, disposal
  • physical attractiveness, beauty, sensuality
  • sociability, attractiveness in communication, dialogue
  • grace, prosperity, beautiful setting

Symbolism of the card

Scarlet roses symbolize sexuality and love experience.

The white dove is a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

Expensive jewelry suggests that the Beloved knows her worth, she is “dear” and deserves the best.

Her reflection in the mirror is a passion for her own beauty, her attention is focused only on herself and her appearance.

The main meaning of the Lover card

The Lover card symbolizes a state of being filled with one’s own resource, enjoying one’s current state of comfort and well-being. This is a situation where everything is where it should be.

All thoughts and actions now come down to earthly things – getting quality food, drinking a tasty drink, enjoying the weather and living conditions. The Lover symbolizes the state of awareness of one’s significance, femininity, and acceptance of one’s nature.

According to the Lover card, life is a sensory experience that everyone should live. It is a path of changing needs that need to be satisfied. To gain true significance, you need to understand that owning something already has some value.

The meaning of the Lover in love and relationships

This is a relationship that benefits both. Often – an exchange of resources. One partner decorates the life of the other, and the other improves conditions. Often such relationships are convenient and comfortable; they bring an element of rationalism to life.

In relationships between partners, kindness and generosity are important, and the material aspect is important. These relationships need constant support – it is necessary to give or receive gifts, arrange romantic meetings, delicious dinners, etc. Enjoyment and good times are important in relationships.

These relationships may not always be serious. Often, they settle down only to satisfy their sensual needs. But it is worth noting that such a relationship suits both partners, because each of them gets something of their own.

Problem, situation, question on the Lover

The situation is stable, it does not have any directional development. In general, the atmosphere is calm and all participants are happy. This is a grounding process, when everyone around you thinks about the essentials, about what is happening right now.

This is a situation in which human needs are important. This question concerns benefits, the receipt of any benefits, the material sphere of human life. It is possible that the problem needs to be resolved through rational thinking about the issue. You need to weigh the pros and cons, think about which development path will bring the greatest results.

In this situation, it is difficult for a person to change anything. He strives to be in harmony with himself, with the world. The questions that appear on the Lover always relate to a person’s comfort and everyday life. They should be considered from the perspective of what a person is used to and what will be comfortable for him.

The Lover as a result

The card predicts the best outcome. Especially if the question concerns obtaining any material benefits. The work will bear fruit. The person will be pleased with what he has done.

Getting a quality result, a good income, a good thing, something beautiful. You will receive a material reward with which he will be pleased.

If the question concerns training, then the result will please you. This will be the skill and talent that will bring good income in the future. These are quality skills, a resource necessary for a person.

Personality of the Lover

  • woman, the Querent herself
  • beloved woman, beloved girl,
  • girlfriend, sister, acquaintance
  • rival in love

Card of the Day – the Lover

A calm day, it will bring joy and happiness. On this day it is good to start working on financial issues, deal with savings, and make property plans.

A favorable day to make a meal plan and start cooking.

This is a day when there is no need to rush. Everyone strives to ensure that the work proceeds systematically and brings long-term results. You can start things that will last for a long time.

Advice of the Lover

The card advises not to rush, all decisions must be balanced. The main thing is to avoid fuss and not make hasty conclusions.

This situation requires time and a measured approach. To begin with, it is worth considering the issue of your own benefit, as well as the well-being of all parties. The decision must be made slowly, with complete confidence in what result will be obtained.

The Lover card recommends leaving a little time for yourself, just relaxing, and enjoying life. It is important that the process is pleasant and brings physical benefits. This is the time when you need to ensure that you remain resourceful, nourish your spirit through your physical body.

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