The WARRIOR – the meaning of the Symbolon card

The warrior symbolon card meaning

The Warrior starts the Symbolon deck and it is the first card in this deck. This is a pure archetype symbolized by Mars and the zodiac sign Aries. A warrior is pure energy that is ready to break free. The main thing remains – to direct this energy where it is needed.

Zodiac sign: Aries

The planet: Mars

Characteristics: Yang, fire, masculine, cardinal cross of the horoscope, innovator, first house of the horoscope


  • me, my body, my appearance, personal physical data
  • initiative, undertaking, start
  • energy, momentum, start, ignition
  • ability to respond, active force

Symbolism of the card

The red color of the card: a blood-red sun, a red cloak, a scarlet shield – symbolize aggression, strength, maximalism, the desire to conquer.

A defeated opponent, lying face down, speaks of the incapacity of competitors, that it doesn’t matter which opponent he is, he must be defeated.

In the background – a ruined city, ahead – the unknown. There is no way back.

The sword is pointing up – ready for action.

The main meaning of the Warrior

The Warrior card contains a pure state of aggression, struggle, energy. This is the Martian force, ready to act here and now. The Warrior doesn’t care about the direction or the goal, he just wants to act and does it.

The card reflects the state when a person makes efforts without any specific direction, he acts only because he wants to do so now. Or, he has a specific task that he has set for himself.

The main thing in the card is strength, which must be expressed in the form of attack, aggression, physical impact.

This is the first Symbolon card, which starts the process of the entire deck. The warrior does not think about what is coming, his task is to pave the way.

The meaning of the Warrior in love and relationships

This is a passionate relationship that develops rapidly. They are based on sexual attraction, which must be realized. Often, indicates that the relationship will be short, with the support of other cards.

One of the partners acts as a leader, he leads the couple behind him, he makes decisions. Often he does not want to coordinate his decisions with a partner, pulls everything over himself, puts himself at the head of the relationship. His desires seem more important to him.

Often such relationships do not have a specific aim, there is only a desire to have a partner here and now. The development of relations is unlikely, and the seriousness of intentions does not allow them to develop in the right direction.

According to the Warrior card, relationships can come to a standstill if they are not broken in time. In the position of feelings, the card can show that despite the fact that at the moment there is a desire to express feelings for a partner, it is not always possible to do it in the right way. It is necessary that further cards in the layout be more stable and mundane, then there is hope for a long-term relationship.

Problem, situation, question of the Warrior

Often the problem for the Warrior is that a person cannot restrain himself. His difficulties arise because he does not know how to properly express himself. His aggression, anger, emotionality, find no way out. You need to throw out energy to start listening to yourself.

The situation requires you to start acting actively, to do everything to achieve the goal. This is not the time to be lazy or overthink your every move. Need to start doing something right now.

The question will require clarification to the end, it is important to understand every detail.

The conflict must be resolved before it goes too far. It is important to take some action so that the aggression comes out in the right way. Irritation, intolerance and anger should come to naught only after you manage to work them out and solve the problem itself.

Result of the card Warrior

A new road is opening – a new path for the Warrior. Now life takes place in a new world, in new conditions. The result will not keep you waiting.

The situation will end before it starts. The process will be turbulent, and the result too fleeting. It might not be what you expected.

If the question is about some long-term project, then depending on the surrounding maps, you can expect a breakthrough in work. Sometimes – the intervention of a new energetic person or phenomenon. Also, as a result of painstaking work, it may indicate a “crumpled”, unexpected result.

The Warrior card – person

  • son, brother, young man
  • sexual partner, lover
  • the person himself, if he himself is the object of action
  • the one who takes the initiative, the most courageous and courageous
  • representatives of extreme professions, rescuers, firefighters, stuntmen.

Card of the Day – the Warrior

The day will flow dynamically, perhaps even too quickly. There will be a lot of activity, problem solving. Perhaps a lot of physical work or a difficult workout in the gym.

Starting a new project, launching a campaign.

You want to openly demonstrate your intentions, express yourself brightly, show your nature. Aggressiveness in communication, rudeness, rudeness. It is important not to react aggressively and not to swear at anyone, do not push others.

It is good to use energy of the day with active work, sports, dancing, sex, risk. On this day, it is good to wear red color in clothes, as well as yellow, shades of orange and yellow.

Advice of the Warrior

The card advises you to take the initiative in your own hands, to put the foundation for what is planned. Get to work right away and don’t wait. In the situation of the Warrior, it is important to make an effort quickly so that the energy does not “burn out”.

 You have to be honest, tell it like it is. Don’t hide the truth.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )